Caffaratti Dental Group

Are athletes prone to sleep disorders?

Runners beginning a raceIn a word, yes. A Finnish study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences found that a quarter of professional athletes suffer from significant sleep disorders. Those disorders included difficulty falling asleep, snoring and sleep-disordered breathing, which can be related to Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

The good news out of this study was that guidance on improving sleep health and individualized treatment when needed made a significant impact on the quality of the athletes’ sleep. One in four reported that subsequent counseling and treatment had enhanced their athletic performance.

While this study related to athletes operating at the professional level, it’s true, too, that for those who exercise regularly, muscle recovery requires a good night’s sleep. Improving your diet can also be a key player in improving your sleep health.

If you aren’t getting the recommended 7.5 hours of sleep per night, you certainly aren’t alone. Millions of Americans operate on too little sleep, and one in five suffer from at least mild sleep apnea. Chronic poor sleep can even put you at risk for a lower life expectancy.

Athlete or not, if you experience several of the typical symptoms of sleep apnea, we can further assess your risk with a take-home sleep test. Depending on your results, we may recommend oral appliance therapy, which helps maintain an open airway and leads to a better night’s sleep. Call Caffaratti Dental Group Sleep Solutions today at (775) 358-1555 to discuss your concerns and how we can help improve your sleep health.

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